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AIM 2024: Building a Differentiated Brand to Captivate Owners: Strategies for B2B Marketing

Building a Differentiated Brand to Captivate Owners: Strategies for B2B Marketing

Candidates must have flexibility in what they offer or it’s a dealbreaker.

Attracting, converting, and retaining ownership groups as long-term partners is what many management companies seek. After all, growing your units under management is the bread and butter of any multifamily fee-managed business.

Sharon George, MIG Real Estate, Director of Multifamily Asset Management; and Tina Miserendino, Avenue5, Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Communications; discussed B2B demand generation strategies with session moderator Sydney Webber, Senior Marketing Lead, Updater.

The group moves quickly. It chooses the top five potential candidates, grades them, and looks at each from the operations sides and the reporting sides.

“Any candidate must listen to our needs,” George said. “I then ask them to bring the people to me who will be doing the work because I want to meet them personally."

George said it’s important to include the onsite teams in the process because they “will make or break our performance.”

“Candidates must have flexibility in what they are offering or it’s a dealbreaker,” she said.

“We then make our decision in 48 hours or less while all the information and impressions are still fresh in our minds.”

Miserendino said candidates should “come to us and offer something that makes you stand out. Something unique.”

Content and outreach can go a long way in getting companies “out there” for consideration, Webber said.

“Don’t be afraid to name-drop,” she said. “Social proof is so great.”

For example, if the company wins awards or is honored, post it on the Internet, “because if it’s not on the Internet, it didn’t happen,” she kidded.

Avenue5 does a great job driving word-of-mouth by posting on LinkedIn, speaking on panels at industry conferences, and on social media overall.

“Saturate the Internet with customer stories,” Webber said.

Self-marketing, she said, can be muddy and unorganized, “but don’t stop investing in marketing just because it’s not showing immediate returns,” Webber said. “Content is a long game.”

More Interesting Points

  • Watch what the brand leaders are doing, but don’t copy everything they do.
  • Don’t use a casual tone in your content or post crazy TikToks if that’s not your style and brand.

Here is the replay:

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