AIM 2025 Venue:
Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa
21500 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Please register for AIM 2025. You will receive the booking link in your registration confirmation email. If the Hyatt is sold out, please use Expedia link below for other options.
Note: At the Hyatt, you may book rooms for the amount of registrations you have purchased for AIM. Booking rooms over you allotment or paid registrations will be cancelled three weeks prior to AIM. We do not have a room block at any other hotels.
Please note: AIM is not utilizing the services of a housing service company for booking reservations for AIM. If you get a call or email from anyone stating they are a housing vendor or the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach and booking rooms for is not true. #scamalert
If you have questions about the AIM hotel block, or general questions about AIM, please contact Diane Mack at