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The 2024 Apartment Innovation and Marketing Conference® is dedicated to improving the experience of all stakeholders in the rental apartment ecosystem. 

We are soliciting session ideas and speakers that:

  1. Clearly educate about the solutions to multifamily problems; or 
  2. That highlight opportunities for incremental revenue, improved efficiencies or heightened resident value/satisfaction; or
  3. Provide first case studies into new, promising technologies that can positively impact multifamily;
  4. Bring into multifamily some of the customer experience magic from other high-touch retail service industries that we look up to such as hospitality, retail, travel, autos and food.
  5. Provide career insights and skills to attendees.

About 2024 AIM Conference Sessions

  • Conference sessions are typically 40-60 minutes. Sessions may be keynote sessions with no other content scheduled, breakout sessions that run against other sessions, small group workshops and roundtables designed for smaller groups to interact face-to-face in an informal manner. AIM Conference staff is solely responsible for selecting and scheduling conference sessions.

  • Content may be structured as any combination of visual presentation, panel presentation, interactive or hands-on workshop, research summary, competition, focus group, personal/general technology demo or game show. (We greatly prefer not to host “fireside chats”, product demos, or sales pitches.) AIM will provide the session moderators, unless we make a separate arrangement with the participants in a particular session.

  • We request that all presenters and sessions create presentations or memos to aid in teaching, which participants will be able to access post-conference as ongoing resources. Sessions whose participants do not provide visual support will automatically be slotted as roundtable sessions.

  • All session presenters will be assisted in content creation by professional speaking/presentation coaches under contract to the AIM Conference. All presenters will be required to participate in a minimum of three pre-conference planning and rehearsal sessions. Sessions whose participants do not provide participate in coaching will be automatically cancelled.

About The Best AIM Educator/Presenters 

  • AIM is a gathering of multifamily housing executives. The best speakers are well-prepared, well-researched colleagues that do the same work at different companies, and that have already solved specific problems and can speak as peers about the work of running apartment companies.

  • The best speakers approach the task with a desire to share freely and educate the industry, for the common good of the industry.

  • A little ego and showmanship is healthy. (But if your CEO says that they “just need to be on stage”, that’s a bad fit for us both.)

  • Speakers with previous experience and training and public speaking are always a plus. However, JTCG has speaker training resources available that all session participants will have access to, and are required to help develop selected speakers that have less experience or would like more confidence in their presentation.

Submission Deadline: December 8, 2023.

Submit your session: